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新浪读书 1.0.0

新浪读书是新浪网全新开发的电子书阅读工具,为书友提供了新浪读书所属书籍的阅读服务。 用户使用统一的新浪帐号即可在客户端登陆,查看自己新浪读书书架的书籍并进行支付购买。主要功能点: 1.在有网条件下,可以将书缓存至手机上,之后即可实现无网阅读。 2.拥有十多万本正版官方图书资源,PC\WAP\客户

5.48 MB
GOTO 1.5.1

1.7 MB
LaTeX IT 1.12

A LaTeX editor that simplifies the writing of documents on a smartphone, and allows you to compile it to PDF through a remote server. In case of error

1.71 MB
SongTaste 0.1.4

336.42 KB
Ergon2 1.4

Ergon 2 - Red,Blue,Black,Yellow and Green are the main colors of these icons, mixed for a unique result.Ergon 2 is the non floating version of Ergon,

40.94 MB

27.77 MB

"KM Ocean Live wallpaper" is beautiful Live wallpaper. Now you can install this artwork on your Android Phone or Tablet.Enjoy this island, marine life

8.75 MB
Windicon 1.3

7.05 MB
SmartStay Ex

SmartStay Ex keeps your screen from turning off while you are using it.SmartStay Ex scans the front camera for faces at regular intervals. If a face i

698.67 KB
BT磁力搜 2.0.0

26.08 MB

Free (with no ads and permissions) QR/Barcode generator​​ comprising: - QR code generator (also known as Denso Barcode, QRCode, Quick Response Code,

1.57 MB

Unleash your creativity no matter where you are, with Serious Paint, the most serious natural media content creation environment for Android!Serious P

1.34 MB

3.78 MB

Gravity Gestures is a revolutionary application that helps you save a lot of time.It brings the functions of Moto Actions and a lot more to any Androi

3.52 MB
Scrubs 1.0.11

Here comes the official Scrubs mobile game based on the hit TV sitcom. As a new intern you''ll

29.88 MB

QuickDesk, revolutionizing Android multi tasking. Imagine a screen to quick switch to other apps or settings.Try QuickDesk first before buying the Pro

1.48 MB

Root is required to use this application! A Kernel that supports VM/Zram is required! Kernel and Device Support may vary. Zram Settings was made fo

168.48 KB
头像淘淘 5.1.882

一键炫彩联系人来电头像,高清全屏爽到爆! 3秒DIY超个性QQ、微信、来电头像!【有哪些好玩功能】 1、一键导入联系人QQ、微博、人人头像到电话本,让来电更有爱。 2、最全头像库,460个专题,10万张美图,一键炫彩联系人头像。 3、头像DIY,近300款贴图、滤镜,3秒设计你的专属QQ头

9.69 MB


40.16 MB

My first "full screen" Zooper Theme. Zooper Widgets Pro must be installed first.Cool setup configurable in colours and hotspots.Contains clock, batter

1.07 MB