Summen 294702 Herunterladen Version

En mis Pediatrías tenemos como uno de sus objetivos principales la misión de preservar y restablecer la salud de los niños que muy amablemente llegan

2.27 MB

Canções Infantis BR é um aplicativo Infantil gratuito e muito divertido. Com diversas canções infantis grátis, este app vai deixar os pequenos entreti

3 MB
HealthMe 0.0.5

Health Me! è un’applicazione prototipale realizzata nel Progetto E-Health Technology finanziato dalla Regione Abruzzo POR FESR 2007-2013 “Sostegno all

3.58 MB
Teething 3.0

Teething is the process by which an infant's teeth sequentially appear by breaking through the gums. It is a very painful period for the baby and if y

4.77 MB

Do you want to have a good concentration, feel fresh, fall into sleep easily, have physical strength and endurance and achieve your work duties and so

1.68 MB

This app will shows the information about Migraine Headaches Symptoms. Best comprehensive overview covers the symptoms and treatment of Migraine Heada

5.46 MB

Migraine Tracker is an app that lets you take control of your migraines. By utilizing this app you will be able to catch migraines before they happen

1.33 MB

Dog repellent It is an android software that will help you keep offensive dogs away from you. Please do not damage the dogs by relying on this program

21.47 MB

It is an android software that will help you keep offensive dogs away from you. Dog Repellent Freq : 1 KHZ - 20 KHZ Please do not damage the dogs by r

21.46 MB

Il Dottor Mario Cervone de Martino, Dirigente Ospedaliero di Ruolo, da anni si occupa della cura e del trattamento delle patologie ortopediche pediatr

3.53 MB

대구 기사님들을 위한 스마트콜택시 앱입니다. ---- 개발자 연락처 : 주소 : 서울시 용산구 한강대로 180, 3층(한강로1가, 오산빌딩)

6.02 MB
Due Date! pregnantandnobabyname

Congratulations, you're pregnant! But when you can expect your baby? Chances are you don't want to wait for your doctor to find out when the baby is d

2.17 MB
Michiko 4.0.9f

Download and enjoy fairy tales, light and full novels in Japanese ! Michiko is a Japanese reader, that is perfect for people who study Japanese : • Me

6.43 MB

A simple and powerful English English dictionary. The application allows you to search and browse words and phrases in a huge and complete thesaurus.

23.35 MB

Veluwse Sand Sculpture Festival 2015 A fest of recognition! The high-profile special event of the Sand Sculpture Festival takes place for the 7th time

11.2 MB

Black heart - learn its depth, it is deep as the Universe, in it there is no fear, only love.

942.2 KB

Caution!!: On android5.0, mobile data enable/disable function doesn't work. This application automatically turn mobile data communication(3G/LTE) off

1.02 MB

翟老师书法教室(附设硬笔教室) 地址:台北巿敦化南路一段233巷63号6楼(明曜百货后第二个巷子) 电话:(02)2711-7087/0933-163-393

5.18 MB

**請注意: 此程式不是由香港中文大學官方推出** 繼《粵語審音配詞字庫》後,香港中文大學「人文電算研究中心」在此基礎上延伸開發了《漢語多功能字庫》系統。除了加強前者所有的粵音查詢功能外,亦增添了《說文解字》形義通解、古文字如小篆、金文甲骨文等圖例、英漢索引等... 新系統資料龐大而豐富,然而網頁版

1.12 MB

Beautiful, stylish and eternal Calligraphy writing is not just a style of letters it is an art that evokes emotions and vision.Learn how to master th

2.1 MB