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LogiCard 1.2

Logicard Mobile is an extension of the Logicard PC application that allows physicians to export data from their patients safely outside firm for a con

2.97 MB

Comparte con tus amigos tu foto #ConexiónAutismo Hazte un selfie con la app de conexión autismo y comparte con tus familiares y amigos tu apoyo ¡Es mu

6.82 MB

Iveco Frota Mais: Praticidade, mobilidade e controle na gestão de informações na palma de sua mão! O aplicativo Frota + foi criado para facilitar o ge

12.28 MB
RxMasters 1.0.1

RxMasters free prescription benefit app can help everyone save significantly on prescription medications (with or without insurance). In fact, 70% of

7.28 MB

Pregnancy is a life altering moment and the most joyous moment in a women's life this app "Music for Pregnancy" is help you. It marks the beginning of

3.98 MB

Malaria, dengue, Chikungunya, Arthritis and Osteoporosis, Blood pressure, heart attack, Cancer, kidney disease, Tuberculosis (TB) Diabetes, eye, skin

1.45 MB

This Russia Fairy Tales application is entirely dedicated to the folk tales of Russia and Ukraine. Tales are the part of culture, traditions, customs

4.84 MB

تبييض الوجه والحصول على بشرة متوهجة وخالية من العيوب هذا حلم كل امرأة، على رغم من وجود العديد من المنتجات لتبييض الوجه وتحسين لون البشرة لكن معظمها لا

2.62 MB

This mobile app allows you to convert T2* and R2* values obtained with 1.5T and 3.0T MRI into both liver and myocardial iron concentrations (LIC and M

18.6 MB

Perfect™ is partnered with a powerful and seamless mobile app, empowering the users to be current on their documentation requirements "on-the-go". The

35.02 MB

Small App that provides a gateway to the Reverse Radiology website, at, a site which automates the group purchasing organizat

5.85 MB
MedsXpress 1.7.4

Rowlands MedsXpress App allows you to securely order your repeat prescriptions from your mobile device directly to your local Rowlands Pharmacy. You c

5.17 MB

Oltre 4.000 formulazioni differenti per i quasi 2.000 farmaci veterinari attualmente disponibile in italia. Per ogni farmaco: ========================

11.34 MB
MSF 2.0


13.67 MB

As the world is slowly moving in the direction of a Digital, Paperless world; why should our medical history just be a stack of paper, lying in an uno

4.44 MB

Fonocolor-PT-Lite by Colorfullab Brain é a versão GRATUITA e LITE da FonoColor-PT, uma App em Português - Portugal, na área da terapia da fala, feita

23.55 MB

Маҷмӯаи иборат аз ду китоб бахшида ба мавзӯи табобати ВНМО бо истифодаи ТЗР (Терапияи зиддиретровирусӣ) ва маълумот оиди амалҳои барои пешгирии гирифт

1.72 MB

La aplicación UGT Iveco Madrid está dirigida a todas las afiliadas y afiliados a nuestro sindicato con el fin de poder ofrecer de manera cómoda y senc

32.3 MB
Anasahafi 1.0.0

مع أنا الصحفي قوموا بإرسال مشاركاتكم حول الأخبار عبر مقال، صور و فيديو. كيف ذلك؟ بكل بساطة: قم بإنشاء حساب ومشاركة المحتوى الخاص بك، اخبرنا عن حدث شاه

1.82 MB

France News is the fastest and most complete app to provide you with all the popular french newspapers. Keep yourself up to date on Android. Newspaper

3.99 MB