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Woow 360! 1.5.5

From Woow 360! you can visiting inside businesses , consulting all the information related to that place or business like contact details, Google maps

3.77 MB
Alartec 3.3.2

Alartec Visual Life enables you to remotely monitor and control your ALARTEC Security System from your Android device. With Alartec Visual Life you ca

7.11 MB
Sherpa 1.0

Sherpa is an applications that allows tourists to find a tour guide on the go. My application allows tourists to customize the locations that they wan

1.94 MB

This app is used to add,edit and store your own recipes. It allows you to share on Facebook what you are cooking. Or send as email, sms, and others. Y

1.19 MB

Ten classified recipes Cookeo your food processor. Look for a recipe by name or by type of dish (entree, dessert, vegetarian dish ...). Add it to your

4.48 MB
DudeGenie 2.7

Meet DudeGenie – the one-stop-app for all your needs – food ordering, groceries, product search, reviews, rentals, repairs, movies, tickets and more.

8.49 MB

Eimi is your Evolving Information Management Intelligence personal assistant. This assistant app acts as your Mobile Persona to help you remember the

4.36 MB
iPet 10.21.12536

Bem-vindo, nós somos o iPet! Se você chegou até aqui, sabe o que procura. Nós assim como você, amamos os nossos animaizinhos e prezamos o melhor pra e

5.47 MB

We're very excited to now be in the app store! Our app has been designed with you in mind - focusing on giving you a better user experience. It allows

3.44 MB
Melissa 1.0

Melissa is your virtual assistant that manages your contacts, your calendar your phone calls and your messages. Melissa is a fully customizable, user

6.74 MB

Suara Master Kenari F1 adalah sebuah aplikasi yang merupakan kumpulan dari suara-suara masteran dari burung-burung kenari yang sedang populer saat ini

10.29 MB

Memory Booster Memory Booster (Tasks Killer) easily speeds up your device by killing running tasks and applications, at the same time efficiently impr

2.47 MB

Bagi anda yang gemar akan burung tentunya tau apa itu burung perkutut. burung Perkutut jawa (Geopelia striata) merupakan spesies burung dalam suku Col

7.23 MB

Bella è la più bella delle ragazze, ma all'improvviso viene intrappolata da una brutta bestia. Come finirà questa storia?

18.69 MB
Sesano 1.2

Sesano - Call for beta tester Please leave feedback: The aim of this project is to produce a more engaging personal assistant th

24.76 MB
Hightrack 2.4.8

Meet Hightrack! It's not just another personal task manager, nor a todo list. It's a productivity suite than combines a Task manager, a full Calendar,

4.59 MB
OM 1.1

Organize me is personal assistant app that assists to save notes, reminder with SMS content, schedule email reminder, schedule call reminder and to do

5.11 MB

Order deliveries in a flash with our app. We use geolocation so you don't have to enter your address. You can pay with cash or card. It's super easy t

20.84 MB
PizzaExpress 1.0.15

Mobile online ordering for Pizza Express. The fastest way to place an order from any of our locations. Happy Ordering!

1.58 MB

Locations in Cork, Galway, Limerick, Waterford, Tipperary, Louth and Kildare. Order with the app for collection or delivery. Pay by cash or card. It's

21.39 MB