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كتاب منهاج المسلم أبو بكر جابر الجزائري هو كتاب إسلامي على شكل تطبيق أندرويد يحتوي على كتاب قيم ومفيد للمسلمين جميعاً اسم الكتاب منهاج المسلم للكاتب ا

13.85 MB

¡Hazla Simple con nuestra nueva APP! Autogestiona tu línea Simple desde la palma de tu mano. Recuerda: en Simple todos son bienvenidos y ya somos más

29.52 MB

Accelerate and Automate Inspection Operations The Intuitive Inspections mobile app helps firms simplify the inspection process. The Intuitive Inspecti

8.94 MB

INTELLECT EDUCATE ACADEMY is an online platform for managing data associated with its tutoring classes in the most efficient and transparent manner. I

117.66 MB

This app calculates the fractional excretion of sodium based on the serum and urine sodium and creatinine values. Based on the FENa value the associat

2.81 MB

AWorld is the App for living sustainably in the modern world. Created in support of ActNow - the United Nations campaign for individual action on clim

110.84 MB
Marketplace Demo

Start learning with us!

151.61 MB

My Movie Review application helps to check the latest movies in Kerala (Malayalam, Tamil, Hindi, English) IFFK , ratings, Reviews, Trailers, Posters,

12.25 MB

The FACILITIES version of Byteinmotion has been designed and adapted to fulfill job order control needs, manage preventive maintenance, suppliers, and

2.63 MB

Mit der SPRINGER App hast Du Dein Gesundheitszentrum in Pirmasens, Ramstein, Rodalben und Zweibrücken immer in der Hosentasche. Informationen, wie z.B

13.42 MB

قائمة الكتاب : كتاب متن الرسالة المؤلف أبو محمد عبد الله بن أبي زيد عبد الرحمن النفزي، القيرواني، المالكي كتاب الثمر الداني شرح رسالة ابن أبي زيد القي

15.57 MB

The official Pooled Energy Customer App for Android. The Customer App gives Pooled Energy customers: - A simple and easy way to monitor the status of

6.45 MB

Dear user, this application helps you to learn about WS7 PRO Smart Watch WS7 PRO Smart Watch app contains files WS7 PRO Smart Watch User Manual WS7 PR

30.24 MB

[우리 동네 환자와 약사를 잇는 복약지도] 병원에서 받은 처방전을 우리 동네 약국으로 보내요. 약국에 약을 언제 가져가야 할지, 받은 약은 언제 또 어떻게 복용해야 하는지, 어프가 옆에서 알려드릴게요. [안전한 약 복용] 약을 직접 검색하거나 처방전을 휴대전화로 촬영해

13.58 MB

Aplicación exclusiva de la comunidad de la IEP San Antonio de Padua VMT, para la comunicación entre padres de familia, alumnos, docentes y personal de

6.19 MB

Questa applicazione è un simpatico adesivo per WhatsApp che può essere aggiunto alle conversazioni di WhatsApp L'applicazione per smartphone per gli a

5.96 MB
Bikini FM 1.0

Our Radio allows you to LISTEN LIVE internet stations your favorite music anytime, anywhere With an easy to use, fast and modern interface Treat yours

7.93 MB

Fanpage: Ứng dụng "Tiếng Trung cơ bản" gồm nhiều tính năng thú vị giúp bạn bắt đầu học tiếng

38.96 MB

Ora disponibile "Radio Rai 3 Diretta App" per dispositivi mobili smartphone e tablet è facile da usare e accesso veloce. Se avete domande e suggerimen

13.84 MB

App Pais ou Responsáveis Cadastro dos Filhos e Responsáveis Você pode cadastrar suas crianças e indicar os responsáveis que podem deixa-las e/ou retir

36.59 MB