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I present this app for every family want to learn her kids arabic Alphabets. Learn with Me Series Arabic Alphabets app designed for our children who i

34.72 MB
Sapiens EDU 2.17.1

Com as soluções do Grupo Sapiens, cada instituição de ensino pode criar um processo único para formação continuada de seus professores. Identifique ev

47.76 MB

KAiSH is an online platform for managing data associated with its tutoring classes in the most efficient and transparent manner. It is a user-friendly

62.97 MB
AquaNManager 2.0.15

이러닝 학습 앱 중 최강의 Player를 탑재한 Aqua nManager가 2.0으로 새롭게 태어났습니다. HD고화질 영상을 인코딩 없이 재생이 가능한 무인코딩 플레이어를 탑재 하였고, 강력한 제스쳐 기능으로 볼륨, 자막 위치 이동 및 크기 조절, 화면 사이즈 조절 및

82.56 MB

مقالات وأفلام قصيرة في مواضيع عدة مثل: هل يوجد إله؟ 6 براهين تثبت ذلك هل يستجيب الله لصلواتنا؟ العلاقات، الجنس والبحث عن الحميمية. أين الله وسط المآسي

10.8 MB is a website about Sarkari Sakori, Assam Govt jobs, Jobs in Assam, Assam Career, Jobs in Guwahati Govt. Jobs in India, State Govt Jo

18.69 MB
ICMP Life 202000.99.07

The official ICMP app that allows you to network with fellow students, alumni and industry connections. Exclusive access to the latest opportunities,

62.04 MB

Delhi Public School Harni in association with Edunext Technologies Pvt. Ltd. ( launched India's first ever Mobile a

19.76 MB

Estrategia para fortalecer el hogar como un ambiente de aprendizaje. Orientaciones, contenidos, espacios de conversación y acompañamiento para toda la

8.01 MB

iExeter provides students and staff with personalised information and services. Student features include: • View your timetable and check in to lectur

6.76 MB

► Application: " Body Parts Name and Pictures " is the easy and fun new way to learn English, We can learn vocabulary by seeing an images to illustrat

11.37 MB

Test Series

13.68 MB
TEST RANGE 01.01.124

Download the Test Range App for an awesome online test experience. Practice for any exam you want and speed up your exam preparation. We offer a store

13.62 MB
Short Notes SBPD 01.01.124


13.61 MB

Dilengkapi dengan : - Surah Al-Fatihah - Surah Yaasiin - Doa Surah Yaasin - Kaifiat Tahlil - Doa Tahlil - Doa Penutup - Doa Selamat - Doa Akhir Tahun

18.9 MB

收录了大学英语四级(CET-4)常考重要单词2000个,软件本身操作简便,灵活,易用性好。 你可以通过测试检验自己的学习成果,对于难记的单词可以反复学习。 ・科学的单元分划可以让您循序渐进、轻松地记住单词; ・您可以对较难记忆的单词进行收藏,并且可以根据单词的难易程度选择收藏的等级。 ・软件会自动记

22.69 MB

Odia Dictionary / Oriya Dictionary­ Mo Abhidhan is a free English to Odia Dictionary / English to Oriya Dictionary App which also shows meaning in Hin

22.91 MB

An ultimate parental guide. Get useful tips a few times a week: about baby development, health, nutrition, sports, education and baby psychology. Lear

47.99 MB

This app collates 11 Mental Models For You To Use In Your Daily Life. These are the same strategies the Charlie Munger and Warren Buffet used to grow

8.51 MB

- Parent app specialises in mobile apps that are affordable, simple, reliable and provide faster access anytime, anywhere. - Get details of full fees

8.79 MB