Summen 20433 Herunterladen Version

قاموس ألماني عربي يقوم بترجمة الكلمات من اللغة العربية إلى الألمانية أو العكس دون الحاجة للاتصال بالإنترنت ومجانًا. يحتوي على أكثر من 37 ألف كلمة الأك

6.16 MB

Ваш личный исторический справочник, шпаргалка с возможностью редактировать информацию. Приложение имеет большое количество событий, дат от древнего ми

28.7 MB

Бұл ойында Сіз көптеген қызық сұрақтар таба аласыз! Логикалық сұрақтарды, жұмбақтарды және ойындарды ойнап миыңызды шынықтырып алыңыз! Бұл қосымша қаз

4.49 MB

Maya For 3D Animation Manual for Beginner this app show you how it is used to create 3D animated projects, along with the roles that are played by oth

23.36 MB

Very Easy Way to Learn Voice Change. *This App contains all about Tense And Voice Change. *Methods of all Voice patterns. *Lots of Examples of Active

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Get All Exam Results ,Govt Job Results ,National Exam ,10th & 12th Board 2017. This app is one stop solution for all Kind of Result in India. In this

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The 6 Kalimas of Islam gots (250k) Downloads 1- First Kalima (Tayyab) 2- Second Kalima (Shahadat) 3- Third Kalima (Tamjeed) 4- Fourth Kalima (Touheed)

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Todait 0.30.35

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76.39 MB

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77.98 MB
Shule Direct 4.0.0

Learn, Revise and Discuss with friends, Anytime, Anywhere. Shule Direct gives you the freedom to learn from qualified learning content that is prepare

7.18 MB
BryCepte 1.5.1

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28.09 MB

Japanese Grammar is one apps of our ongoing project of PORO designed with purpose of giving helful and easy tool for Japanese learner. This free Japan

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In this app you can login on single mobile only, if you want to login on two or more mobiles simultaneously then you have to purchase additional login

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Through this app you can look after the #results of most of the #exams in #Bangladesh including #BCS , #NU , #JSC, #PSC , #SSS, #HSC , #Medical #Admis

2.89 MB

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4.45 MB

Application will help you master the 3000 most commonly used English words 3000 oxford's words is a list of the 3000 most important vocabs to learn in

3.35 MB
EduSafar 9.3.0

EduSafar is a one type of Messenger App which are regular updates of Education and You can use this Gujarati app online and offline. When you open thi

6.81 MB
Memorado 2.0.7

A strong brain leads to a happier life. With over 4 million global users across all platforms, Memorado is the leading gym for the mind - providing fu

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Speak German with confidence. Discover Babbel's wide variety of courses and start making progress quickly — get the app named one of Google Play’s Bes

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Percipio 1.6.3

Improve yourself in minutes a day - anytime, anywhere. Access content across a variety of topics including business, personal development, desktop sof

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