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SportFlash è l'app che ti permette di seguire la tua squadra del cuore, tutti i giorni e senza perdere tempo. In un unico posto troverai: + gli artico

12.33 MB

Listen to Radio Sportiva on your Android Smartphone and Tablet 24h on 24 !!

3.38 MB

Ascolta Radio Calcio 24!

3.74 MB

Vuoi rimanere sempre aggiornato sulle ultime news della tua squadra del cuore? Bene, questa è l'applicazione che fa per te. Gratuitamente a tua dispos

8.2 MB
JohnSmith 1.399

The official app for players, coaches and parents of the John Smith Soccer Academy as it participates in various soccer leagues. Features maps to all

5.62 MB

Australasian Soccer Academy was launched in 2006. Since its beginning the academy has developed many players from beginners through to professionals,

7.15 MB

Milan news connects you with your Favourite team, Everything in one place. - Twitter - Facebook - Instagram

4.06 MB

Notizie Video e Gossip sul Milan Calcio e aggiornamenti in tempo reale. Gossip e pagine social dei calciatori della tua squadra del cuore.

6.04 MB

Volleyball is the official Newsstand app for Volleyball Magazine, which serves as the authoritative voice of the sport, covering indoor and outdoor vo

7.01 MB

Basketball is the app with lots of basketball training exercises with a complete training program that contains all the basic and advanced exercises t

1.8 MB

The plyometric exercises are a form of training that uses movements to sports which involve above all the explosive speed and power. With this app you

1.77 MB

*****The ultimate fan app for WA Christian Women Soccer fans***** Test your knowledge on Womens Soccer by completing the exclusive Matilda's quiz and

18.44 MB

Aplicación dedicada al fútbol femenino regional Asturiano. Funcionalidades: - Listado de equipos - Información de todas las jugadoras de cada equipo -

2.11 MB

Si ya sos parte de este gran torneo de fútbol femenino, descargá la app para que puedas seguir paso a paso toda la información de tu equipo. Tabla de

10.74 MB

⚽️ Application available only in Spanish ⚽️ Football things of the teams participating in the Champions and Europa League. Like for example Bayern and

5.91 MB
0zu1 U19 1.0.3

...was die Freude am Fußball leben lässt. Eine einzigartige Fußball App, die nicht nur für Statistiker geschrieben wurde. Enthaltene Ligen: U19 Bundes

2.29 MB
Boxing 6.8

Enjoy a high quality and fun boxing game. Learn the moves and develope your boxing skills. Play one on one and beat your opponents to reach the boxing

4.04 MB

La Fédération Française d’Athlétisme a développé une application complète pour permettre aux coureurs à pied d’être accompagnés au mieux dans leur pra

6.96 MB

With Loadness you will be able to share the wellness and the Borg tests with your athletes from your smartphone or tablet, and to download the results

1.82 MB

Thus, the Paris bid has especially created this App « Athletes 2024 » dedicated to the french and international athletes community. It allows every at

77.95 MB