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Notruf Schweiz

Nach einem Unfall öffnet man einfach die App und wählt den besten Rettungsdienst für den Moment aus und man ruft dem Rettungsdienst an ohne zuerst die

19.21 MB

Check the age and health of your ears with this great application. You can check if your ear has (approximately) the ear health of a 60, 50, 49, 39, 3

2.11 MB

הישומון "מכשיר החייאה בסביבה-דפיברילטור" הינו ישומון שפותח לאתר בשעת חירום היכן נמצא הדפיברילטור הכי קרוב בסביבה לפי מיקום מדוייק. הדפיברילטור הוא מכש

2.55 MB

Fondazione Ticino Cuore was created in 2005 by the Federation of Ticino Cantonal Services Ambulances and Cardiocentro Ticino with the aim of increasin

15.23 MB
Learner 1.8.2

• For students to see their own performance • Quick and easy connection • To support Quality CPR, the app provides live and summative feedback on: o C

62.33 MB

Provides about 150 articles about handling of emergency situations in both Traditional & Simplified Chinese.

9.41 MB

This app will shows the information about Social Anxiety Disorder. Best comprehensive overview covers the symptoms and treatment of Social Anxiety. Th

5.39 MB

One of the questions the app answers for you is “what is neuropathy?” It’s not a simple answer as neuropathy is actually a complication that occurs wi

2.43 MB
NFC OUcare

At OUcare, we care ALL YOU CARE! NFC OUcareTM is an intelligent and powerful application software which works on Android based mobile devices helping

10.32 MB
AYA-Trauma 1.1.0

Trauma Matters is an application designed to provide support and help to people undergoing a traumatic life event. The app is comprehensive informatio

38.29 MB

Yeast Infection is an essential app for anyone who wants to get rid of the candida yeast and be healthy again! App “Yeast Infections Treatment” help y

1.27 MB

輸入生理期日期即可計算 1.未來六次生理期 2.排卵期,危險期,安全期 3.最佳豐胸生理週期,最佳瘦身生理週期

3.06 MB

"Remedios y Caseros" Hola amigos...¿Te gustan los remedios caseros y naturales? Pues, bienvenidos a nuestra aplicación donde recopilamos todos los víd

6.13 MB

أكبر موسوعة في العناية بالفم و الأسنان أكثر من 500 موضوع بدون انترنت طرق إزالة رائحة الفم الكريهة نهائياً طرق العناية بالأسنان طرق علاج رائحة الفم الك

5.24 MB

En esta aplicación "RECETAS DE ENSALADAS", se detalla paso a paso la preparación de exquisitas ensaladas que aportan un valor nutritivo en nuestra ali

16.48 MB

Our skin is a reflection of our internal health. Glowing, beautiful skin shows proper care, hydration and a healthy acne diet. Skin ridden with whiteh

3.64 MB

Si padeces de dolencias o enfermedades puedes acudir a la madre naturaleza y encontrar los mejores remedios caseros para curar tu salud, consume estos

8 MB
Balansio 1.1.4

Balansio empowers individuals to become better in managing their diabetes and other chronic conditions. Balansio is designed to enable continuous and

22.23 MB
iFORA BM 1.0.6

For continuous temperature monitoring

7.1 MB
Yazi 1.1.0

Yazi is an expression of our shared passion for sexual health and technology. Sexual health is extremely important to us because we come from Sub Saha

31.03 MB