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Welcome to part 1 of the anatomy app series. This free app contains 5 main questions about the human skin. The Anatomy app series provides you with th

20.89 MB
Surgery 3.0

Retain more & forget less by playing a video game to supercharge your memory during your surgery rotations. Try 50 questions for free! Rapidly review

49.82 MB
Prescription Organizer version.4.update

Are you a caregiver? A busy parent with too much on your plate? Caring for elderly parents and can't remember your own medications let alone theirs? H

1.35 MB

This App helps Doctors Communicate with their patient . Serves as a droop remainder.

30.06 MB
VP Planning 1.0.1

You can easily find 2D and 3D anatomical viewers, but what about pathologies? Visible Patient Planning is a 3D viewer of patient-specific anatomy AND

5.65 MB

Free questions to try before you buy! Psychiatry Geriatric Multiple Choice Question Review Includes: - Multiple choice fact, scenario and case-based q

15.97 MB

Riverside Memory Disorders Clinic offers comprehensive evaluation and treatment of memory problems encountered by older adults. It offers hassle-free

10.99 MB

العلاج بالطاقة هو من احدث طرق العلاج و اكثرها تداولا ونجاعة هذا التطبيق يقدم لك بعض المعلومات القيمة حول هذا النوع من العلاج التطبيق يحتوي بالضبط على

1.5 MB

Aplicación del Centro Radiológico 3D Cochabamba - Bolivia. A través de esta aplicación los pacientes podrán interactuar directamente con la clínica.

4.34 MB

Fitivity gets you better. Looks like you’re here to get in better shape for Ballet. Ballet is a type of dance that requires the athlete to be extremel

17.51 MB

New Orleans Saints football fans, follow your favorite team all year round! Get the best in-depth analysis and exclusive video from Deuce McAllister,

14.48 MB
RankUp 1.0

RANKUP THE FANDUEL LEADERBOARDS NOW Draft Optimal DFS lineups for FanDuel in seconds. Win more cash! Powerful. Simple. Quick. You're in control. You c

2.67 MB
Sacramento 1.0.1

Vibra Hospital of Sacramento is a beautiful, state-of-the-art, 39-bed hospital, conveniently located in the heart of Folsom off of route 50.

7.45 MB

------------- 機能のご紹介 ------------- 公益社団法人 日本整形外科学会が開催する「第30回日本整形外科学会基礎学術集会」の情報・抄録を閲覧できるアプリです。 [セッション・講演の閲覧] プログラムを日程別、プログラム別に閲覧することができます。 [講演の検索] タイトル

10.68 MB
44救急 1.0.1

---------------- 機能紹介 ---------------- 2016年11月17日(木)〜11月19日(土)に開催される第44回日本救急医学会総会・学術集会の抄録検索システムです。 ●アプリならではの便利機能 [開催中セッション] 会期中、その時刻に発表されているセッションが一覧表

14.92 MB

Dictionary phone medical and pharmacist the plan Thai edition Royal scholars. location print time ๓bythe developed medical plan, Thai, and medical ch

3.28 MB
JAAM14 1.1

jaam14 第14回 日本抗加齢医学会総会 第14回 日本抗加齢医学会総会の講演会情報を閲覧できるアプリです。 大会プログラムのWeb版(Confit)と連携しています。 ※抄録の閲覧にはパスワードの入力が必要です。 パスワードについて

7.52 MB
mChart 1.0

Modern medical management always involves multiple specialities and is usually based on complex medication schemes. Keeping track of all the pills you

10.16 MB
MiniSom 1.0.2

Esta aplicação disponibiliza de forma gratuita e simples a possibilidade de realizar um teste auditivo, que permite ao utilizador verificar a qualidad

4.77 MB

Revisa la edad y salud de tus oídos con esta estupenda aplicación. Puedes comprobar si tu oído tiene (aproximadamente) la salud del oído de una person

2.11 MB