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中式甜品是廣東人極愛的小食,每逢節日或飲宴均會出現在餐桌上。此應用程式之中式甜品,乃由中國傳統小食轉化為道地港式糖水及港式甜品,包括冷熱糖水及傳統糕點,例如湯圓、紅豆沙、芝麻糊、番薯糖水、馬蹄糕等。 Keywords: 中式甜品, 港式甜品, 港式糖水, 中國傳統小食, 冷熱糖水, 糕點, 傳統小吃

1.35 MB

whether you're looking for inspiration or ideas to make the breakfast menu? recipes breakfast offerings of appded is the solution. because of appded b

8.79 MB

It is an application that contains a collection of images decorating the food was loaded into an application. This application is very easy to use, be

7.74 MB
gmtBroker 2.4

GmtBroker is an ambitious project that aims to become Leader in the Communication of products for the watchmaking field,a market which is today repres

2.46 MB
做菜帮手 2.0.6

Contains a 4000 common practice of dishes - Name of the dish can quickly find out the recipes do - According to cuisine, dishes, flavors, etc. to find

4.64 MB
ThisBrowser 1.0.1

ThisBrowser focuses on protecting users' privacy. It supports video playback on websites, meanwhile, embeds multiple features to secure users web surf

6.52 MB

Calendar Public Holiday & School Holiday Malaysia 2015 Facebook: keywords: Malaysia holiday calendar, kalendar mala

2.01 MB

Nail Art How-To Video Tutorials. This Nail Art Video apps consists of the Best Nail Art Videos available on YouTube. Nail art preview photo is availab

2.54 MB

Need breakfast recipes? Get breakfast recipes for your next morning meal from Taste of Home. Taste of Home has breakfast recipes including pancakes, w

4.31 MB
Valentino 2.1

Experience the Valentino world through the Android application: Collections, Fashion Shows and more about your favorite brand. Established in 1960 by

11.68 MB


16.4 MB
Unilever version.1.2

Questa applicazione consente di consultare il Catalogo sempre aggiornato dei prodotti Unilever Food Solutions e le numerose ricette realizzabili con i

9.37 MB

The Best Tofu Recipe Apps for Android! Tofu is a lot tastier when you have the right recipes and culinary techniques. Here's our list of the best reci

8.28 MB
美食天地 9.080642

『美食天地』 結合了各地區的美食推薦,讓您也不用做筆記,也能輕鬆甲透透!! 除了提供豐富的美食餐廳資料外,還有許多美食愛好者的推薦與評論,讓您不會在眾多店家中無所適從,更容易找到真正好滋味!快加入分享的行列吧! 美食天地店家陸續新增,ex:王品、鬥牛士、阿蒼師滷味油飯、mo-mo壽喜燒、19to1愛

30.88 MB

Easy Vegetarian Recipes Is Your Best Android App If You Want a lot of Recipes about Easy Vegetarian Recipes. This application offers you a 100 % Easy

9.99 MB

台灣是小吃的天堂!不論東西南北各處都有讓人垂涎三尺的美食等著你去品嘗。想了解超人氣店家的招牌美食、不起眼小攤販的特色美食嗎?下載這支美食APP吧! 由超人氣美食部落客幫你挖掘出這些隱藏版的巷弄美食,用他們敏銳的味蕾幫你篩選各地美食,以及推薦適合聚餐閒聊的地點。跟著這支美食APP一起尋找出美味的寶藏吧

5.77 MB

Are you a lover of Chinese food? Would you like to learn how to cook the traditional recipes of China in an easy way, step by step? With our app "Chin

21.38 MB

台中餐廳美食v.s吃喝玩樂記錄 台灣是小吃的天堂!不論東西南北各處都有讓人垂涎三尺的美食等著你去品嘗。想了解超人氣店家的招牌美食、不起眼小攤販的特色美食嗎?下載這支美食APP吧! 由超人氣美食部落客幫你挖掘出這些隱藏版的巷弄美食,用他們敏銳的味蕾幫你篩選各地美食,以及推薦適合聚餐閒聊的地點。跟著這支

5.91 MB

Elegant Watches boutique Company was established in 2012 to capitalize on long experience in the luxury watches with more than 35 years of experience

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27.41 MB