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Ouest France 4.10.4

Avec l’application OUEST-FRANCE, suivez gratuitement toute l’actualité internationale, nationale, régionale ou locale en temps réel et en images, sur

11.6 MB
PIX 11 News 41.10.0

As always, we’re fixing bugs, and improving the performance of our app.

37.33 MB

Voulez-vous avoir un accès a votre journal préféré en ligne rapidement, gratuitement et sans ouvrir plusieurs sites web ou plusieurs applications? Vou

9.2 MB

Bug fixes and performance enhancements.

21.8 MB
조선일보 5.1.9

조선일보 뉴스앱은 최신뉴스·종합·경제·스포츠·연예·컬처·오피니언 섹션으로 구성되어 있습니다. 개인화(personalization) 추세에 맞춰 '카테고리 설정' 기능을 추가했습니다. 이 기능을 사용하면 본인이 선호하는 섹션을 뉴스 앱의 맨 첫 화면에 배치할 수 있습니다

52 MB

Summary in overview available again, many impovements to read,unread mode

14.19 MB

4.38 MB
NYT Cooking 2.45.0

Introducing the NYT Cooking app for Android. Browse, search and save more than 19,000 recipes from The New York Times, featuring beautiful photography

38.47 MB

News doesn't wait, why should you? Take Q13 FOX everywhere you go! Our app connects you with top stories in and around Seattle— complete with breaking

32.15 MB
FT中文网 6.4.0

* Migrate Stripe setting to Compose UI; * Stripe setting supports changing default payment method; * In-app new version checking could delete download

15.62 MB

Security Update · Fixed the issues to be adhering to Google Play Developer Program Policies

10.14 MB

14.65 MB
KALB News 5.8.4

KALB is Your Local Station providing the most accurate and current news, sports, entertainment and the First Alert Forecast for Central Louisiana. Thi

17.12 MB
Player FM 5.3.4

Awarded by Google Play as Top Developer with over 2 million installs, Player FM is a free android podcast app that has over 300,000 shows all right at

52.06 MB
KNOE News 5.7.12

Fix for closed captions in livestreams

17.31 MB

6.0.1 - Fix for sign-in using predictive text - Fix for close button on text-to-speech player 6.0.0 - All content on is now available i

12.47 MB

Performance enhancements and bug fixes.

12.38 MB

Improved startup speed Improved stability

20.43 MB
USA TODAY 6.12.1

From Pulitzer Prize winning storytelling and photography, to rich-media videos, full 360-degree experiences and virtual reality, USA TODAY is able to

38.66 MB

■ LOCARI(ロカリ)とは 25歳以上のオトナ女子を中心に、多くの女性が利用している“オシャレでつかえる”ライフスタイル提案アプリです。 ■ LOCARI(ロカリ)の特徴◯ 定番から最新トレンドまで幅広い情報をお届け! ヘアアレンジ、ファッション、レシピ、ビューティー、100yen、恋愛・結婚、

19.4 MB