Summen 75465 Herunterladen Version
Accessibility Scanner

Accessibility Scanner is a tool that suggests accessibility improvements for Android apps without requiring technical skills. Just open the app you wa

4.4 MB

Aplikacja do zamawiania taksówek w firmie Taxi Plus w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim. Application for ordering the taxi company Taxi Plus in Gorzow Wielkopo

17.1 MB

*****Important - This app is exclusively for the use of Security Guards and Security Supervisors at your gate. If you are owner/resident you should be

14.62 MB
Zee Med Trakker 2020.1.12.1513

App for use with Trakker and Link Data for Zee Med

20.32 MB

Visualizzatore di fantastiche presentazioni 3D interattive, manuali virtuali e configuratori di prodotto! Viewer fantastic interactive 3D presentati

37.64 MB

59.8 MB
i-Corretor 1.0.36

Aplicativo para consulta cadastral, recadastramento e emissão do Cartão de Regularidade Digital. Application for cadastral consultation, registratio

11.86 MB

Features: - Character encoding auto-detection (Shift_JIS, EUC-JP, UTF-8) - Two way to input URL (Direct input, via Intent) - Save contents to SD card.

2.82 MB

Intelligent Workflow Management & Collaboration for Healthcare Professionals Diagnotes is a leader in cloud-based healthcare industry software deliver

84.12 MB
Hunter NODE-BT 5.0.1829

NODE-BT is a Bluetooth®-enabled, app-configured irrigation controller from Hunter Industries that lets you automatically irrigate any plant material l

47.99 MB

한밭대학교 학사 정보 시스템 로그인 계정을 그대로 사용하여 로그인 하시면 되며, QR코드가 동반된 모바일 신분증을 사용 할 수 있습니다. 모바일 학생증(신분증)화면 및 push내역, 도서관 좌석배정, 설정 메뉴로 구성되어 있습니다. Hanbat National Un

13.83 MB

在手机上操作很便捷,轻松下单的应用 Easy to operate on your phone

7.39 MB

眼を見張るような脅威的な面白さ ひたすら逃げろ! ■■遊び方■■ 画面をタップするとスティックが現れてグルグル回して 鬼からひたすら逃げまくろう。 ■■制作者の感想■■ シンプルイズベスト!これをモットーに制作しました! 面白すぎて夜も寝られない!! 僕個人的には、操作性が複雑で内容が深いゲームが大

8.76 MB

Explore the different levels of the astral plane, while your are riding through tunnels with shifting colors and patterns. Enhance the experience with

9.78 MB

**SafeCom Mobile Print is NOT designed for consumer home use** For Education and Enterprise customers using SafeCom Mobile Print for their mobile and

2.87 MB

Find color equivalences between Tamiya, Revell, Humbrol, Vallejo, Gunze Sangyo, Citadel, Testors, AK Interactive, Ammo Mig, The Army Painter, Scale75,

8.27 MB
GoodBonus 2.7.27

10.28 MB

Chinese Display - Three colored buttons have been randomly generated but are hidden from view. Your challenge is to figure out what color they are. Af

205.16 KB

Vichitra Games brings you one of the challenging 2 car race games. With user friendly game play and interface, game becomes addictive and a time kille

25.33 MB
Algorithms 80.80.20

The annex contains a description of the algorithms.

26.03 MB