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Do you know what’s more memorable than the classic game of Rock, Paper, Scissor? Well, it’s a game of Rock, Paper, Scissor against a terrific artifici

8 MB

What Is a VPN and How Does It Help Me? In straightforward terms, a VPN associates your PC, cell phone, or tablet to another PC (called a server) some

2.69 MB

10.39 MB

DroidCam turns your Android device into a wireless webcam letting you chat on Skype, Google+, and with other programs like OBS & XSplit for your live

2.56 MB

8 benefits of ordering via our own app: 1. Our takeaway app is the easiest way to order food and support your favorite local restaurant. 2. The app is

21.05 MB

La aplicación oficial de la Universidad Pontificia Comillas te permitirá mantenerte al día de todas las novedades y con todo lo que sucede en tu campu

40.26 MB
Başkent 186 2.3.29

Başkent 186 uygulaması ile kolayca arıza kaydı oluşturabilir, bölgenizdeki tüm planlı kesintiler hakkında detaylı bilgi sahibi olabilir, başvuru numar

43 MB
Amica 8.1.9

Amica Mobile provides access to policy information, claims, billing, and more, right from your mobile device. To enjoy all the advantages of the app,

37.16 MB

국방FM 별사탕은 국군방송 FM 라디오를 청취할 수 있는 안드로이드 어플리케이션입니다. 보다 나은 서비스와 홍보를 위하여 '국방FM'에서 '국방FM 별사탕'으로 새롭게 바꾸었습니다. 온에어, 게시판, 편성표, 팟캐스트 등 다양하고 즐거운 서비스를 제공합니다. FM

2.19 MB

- PC를 켜지않고 ipTIME 공유기 펌웨어를 업그레이드를 하실 수 있습니다. - 공유기가 인터넷 접속이 된 상태에서 Wi-Fi로 연결 후 사용해주세요. - 3g/LTE를 통한 업그레이드는 지원하지 않습니다. - 상단 공유기가 타사 공유기이고, 허브로 사용하시는 경우

1.6 MB
WeNow 3.7.4

WeNow est la première application qui vous permet de réduire votre impact climat au volant de votre voiture. Avec WeNow, analysez votre conduite, rédu

17.99 MB

此程式為Pigo叫號排隊系統專用之『QRcode排隊APP』,支援指定QRcode票紙掃描觀看排隊的功能 This program is a "QRcode queuing app" dedicated to the Pigo calling system. It supports the fu

3.26 MB

Alien Worlds Live Wallpaper offers you a unique experience of natural wonders right on your smartphone. You will enjoy these live wallpaper marvelous

10.43 MB

A better alarm clock. - Global and per-alarm settings - Repeats for days of the week - Ringtone and/or vibrate - Use MP3s/Media library as alarms - Va

167.47 KB

Fight for what's right—as an up and coming pirate! Battle slavers, sea monsters, and your own corrupt government to become a hero of the high seas. Bu

6.87 MB
My Panvel 1.4.1

This is the special app for those who belong to Panvel.

68.92 MB
GymBuddy 6.1

on a feed designed to inspire. Find your perfect GymBuddy and train together at partnered gyms across the country. Stay motivated by exercising with f

95.99 MB
Three 4.4.3

With the new Three app, effortlessly check your balance and allowances, view your bills, find support, talk to us via Live Chat and lots more. • View

18.1 MB

Com o nosso aplicativo você , rastreia suas encomendas e sabe o dia exato que ela chegará até a sua casa ! Além de tudo é grátis. Nosso aplicativo con

14.25 MB