Summen 75476 Herunterladen Version
冬瓜影视 1.7.0

19.26 MB

36.33 MB
RedWhiteAF seventeen

"RedWhiteAF" or just "RWAF" is a beautiful white substratum theme with Red accents. It's supposed to be the counterpart to all the dark themes out the

11.18 MB

QQ输入法Pad版是腾讯公司开发的一款手机输入软件。QQ输入法pad版专为android pad用户设计,具有键盘切换灵活,输入流畅,功能强大等特点。并针对pad用户的使用习惯和输入情境开发出了独有的大小键盘切换功能。 QQ输入法pad版共有拼音九宫格、拼音全键盘、手写输入、双拼全键盘、五笔全键盘

8.16 MB
老黄历 4.3.7

老黄历, 是在中国农历基础上产生出来的, 带有每日吉凶的一种历法。黄历相传是由轩辕黄帝创制, 故称为黄历。黄历主要内容为二十四节气的日期表, 每天的吉凶宜忌、干支、星宿、月相等。, 黄历中的各种术语: 祭祀:指祭拜祖先和神明等。 安葬:举行埋葬等仪式。 嫁娶:结婚的日子。 出行:

6.12 MB
闪电视频 2.2.0

29.8 MB
小白单车 1.3.4

7.79 MB

Requires root!AutoOff allows you to automatically shutdown your device at a set time. You can schedule the timer either in minutes until shutdown or s

2.48 MB
闲鱼 3.2.9

30.38 MB
地铁通 4.0.1

5.59 MB
Exif Fix 1.0.3

263.61 KB
后会有期 1.0.4

15.54 MB
米粒影院 1.0.0

1.8 MB
QuoteLock 1.4.0

222.91 KB

1. Added language selection, and that confused many Russian. 2. Completely reworked the algorithm custom patch, now it is much faster … and even ear

3.65 MB

5.17 MB

Long press the home button to share your screenshots.Quickest way to share screenshots.

1.22 MB

4.87 MB
S Tools+ 3.0

S Tools+ is a pack of 5 different useful tools for your device.These includes- •CPU frequency- keep an eye on your CPU frequencies to see at what freq

2.63 MB

The APP features are as follows:1. Like Facebook chat bubble button, click and pop-up window, easy select emoticons text.2. Floating button can adjust

2.52 MB