Summen 75464 Herunterladen Version
Platz 0.10

Pixel art editor. Now alpha version. Function of current * Have FC color palette * Save & Load PNG image. * Unro/Redo 10 times. * Grid. * Customize th

2.1 MB

An essential App after purchasing a smartphone! Try checking dead pixels of your new smartphone easily and simply. Because there are no advertisements

596.29 KB

What is Pixels & Dead Pixels? The triple point group, the smallest of all digital images, is called a pixel. In English, the "picture element", which

5.65 MB

With Dead Pixels Fix/Repair tool you can give a try to fix dead pixels on your device's display AMOLED, IPS and LCD This App will guide you to some ea

3.22 MB
BadPixels 1.1

Broken Pixels (BadPixels) - simple program to test the screen for the presence of so-called " dead pixels " . Beaten pixels , as well as defective pix

12.62 KB
SnapECG 2.4.4

SnapECG is a people able to understand their own heart health facilities, only with a smartphone can capture ECG information anytime, anywhere, to the

23.47 MB

Russian sports complex "TRP" - a program of physical preparation, aimed at the development of mass sports, health of the nation, as well as increase t

12.44 MB

قران كريم كامل بقراءة الحدر وهي قراءة سريعة بصوت الشيخ احمد بن علي العجمي بدون انترنت يشتمل التطبيق على جميع سور القران الكريم مقروءة بمرتبة الحدر وهي

98.73 MB

13.41 MB

3.71 MB

Biography of the four imams Muhammad Ratib al-Nabulsi

2.7 MB

TOTAL DE BODYFRIEND Total Body de Friend Body Friend Corporate welfare Body corporate welfare Friend

13.27 MB

The application of Islamic lectures by Sheikh Abu Ishaq thrust Without Internet It can also be purely on the application as follows: Abu Ishaq thrust

99.16 MB

تطبيق اجمل أروع اغاني هندية رومانسيةيمكنك الاستماع إلى أفضل الرنات الرائعة و الجديدة التي حتما ستعجبك اغاني التي بحث عليها الملايينتطبيق جديد و سهل ال

2.63 MB

Rádio Jovem Music é Número 1 do Brasil e do público jovem, a única com gêneros: Pop, Rock, Sertanejo. A Rádio Jovem Music foi fundada pelo diretor ger

1.19 MB

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3.54 MB

Stories of the Prophets with the voice of Sheikh Nabil Al-Awadi without Internet

2.39 MB

Bienvenus, Nous vous présentons cette nouvelle application du saint Coran complet, vous allez trouver 114 souras du coran, cette application du coran

3.15 MB