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SmartNavi 2.4.0

SmartNavi offers GPS independent and step-based OpenSource navigation for pedestrians.Save up to 80% energy and become independent from GPS.The app re

3.56 MB
Tripsters 3.3.9

[ 首款出境游的“本地人”问答神器! ][ airbnb和孤独星球创始人点赞的旅游创新产品 ]趣皮士汇聚了全球目的地海量的本地达人。致力于让旅行更地道、更有趣、更省心。需要帮助?当地人在线及时帮你解答。人在异乡?结识本地人深度体验 吃喝完乐?本地人地道推荐又靠谱问答-选择出行国家,浏览热门问题提问-

35.76 MB


9.81 MB


19.56 MB

Currency Exchange for over 180 currencies with live exchange rates and offline mode. Easy to setup and manage your comparison .with rates base on real

3.71 MB
Time Map 2.2.54

ABOUT:There is a great map on Wikipedia by TimeZonesBoy with time zone boundaries. I have taken that map and put it in my application and then display

658.29 KB

✈ FlightHero is a flight-tracking app that provides a real time flight status information and helps you to know flight status, lets you to track a fli

16.03 MB

Radardroid will give a visual and audible warning when you approach any fixed or mobile speed camera in the application database. This application wil

11.16 MB
Learn French 2.0.0

★★★ Learn French language when visiting France ★★★Simply Learn French Language App is a FREE langauge app that will assist you to speak Thai quickly a

35.39 MB

提供旅行经历自动整理、拍摄地点智能识别、查看各地即时照片、轻松写游记等特色功能。本应用由去哪儿网(, NASDAQ:QUNR)诚意出品!功能简介: · 智能整理, 支持按时间、地点、旅行经历等方式查看照片;· 独家技术, 实现相册容量优化, 最多可释放80%手机存储容量;· 旅行时

6.46 MB
Speedr 1.1.2

Speedr has a speedometer showing you your current driving speed and the speed limit of the road. Anytime you drive faster than the speed limit Speedr

4.5 MB
FlightTrack 4.5.2

Get real-time flight status and map tracking for airline flights worldwide. The best flight tracking app out there! Now optimized for your tablets,

4.65 MB
沙发旅行 3.0.11

沙发旅行,一个社交民宿预订平台。我们希望每一个忙碌的人都能去看看世界,每一个在路上的人都不孤单,每一个人都能收获分享的喜悦。希望通过我们的努力让旅行的人能够更安全、快速、方便的找到有特色、高性价比的住宿。 也希望更多的人加入进来,分享自己的空间,分享自己的世界,更重要的是认识那些有故事的人,能遇见趣

20.6 MB
Valuta 1.2.1

A simple and intuitive currency conversion, perfect for travelers. Valuta provides accurate exchange rates for over 160 world currencies! Currency con

12.57 MB
百度公交 1.4.0

【软件介绍】 百度公交,城市出行好帮手! 百度公交为您的公交出行提供最得力的帮助,网罗最准确的公交站点,最详尽的线路信息和最便捷的换乘方案。同时,为了节省您的流量,百度公交还提供各大主要城市的离线公交服务,让你的公交出行更省心、更放心!【特色功能】 1. 在线离线查询公交都支持,覆盖全国300

2.98 MB
百度旅游 5.7.1


16.28 MB

Ever wanted to just open your phone and navigate to where you want to go, without opening Waze and spending dozens of clicks and 30-60 seconds selecti

7.4 MB
Citymaps 3.7.3

Citymaps is a map made for travelers. It is your one travel guide and works free online and offline. We help you decide where to sleep, what to see, w

15.56 MB

MiniMap is a floating, re-sizable map that's always on top. How you use it is up to you! Features:• Move and resize freely over other apps• Displays s

1.33 MB

In 2001, InKnowledge has launched an open-source Bing Maps SDK for Android. This new SDK now gives Androiddevelopers a choice in terms of map controls

1.47 MB