Viaje al Chile Prehistórico 5 [free]


With this application you relive the prehistoric past of our country. You will see how dinosaurs and other animals that lived millions of years ago the territory that today is
Chile emerge from the illustrations as 3D, they move and interact with their environment. From the Chilenosuchus, a species of crocodile that lived 240 million years in Calama,
to the plesiosaurs, who dominated the southern seas 66 million years ago. Or pelagornis Chilensis, the largest ever known flying bird, which reigned in heaven 9 million years
Just download it and point the camera at the image marked with the symbol 3D and presto! ... You will be amazed of what was Chile before and during the arrival of the first
humans on the continent.

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  • App-Namen: Viaje al Chile Prehistórico
  • Kategorie: Lernen
  • App-Code: com.Taumatropo.ARdino
  • Version: 5
  • Anforderung: 4.0 oder eine höhere Version
  • Größe der Datei : 94.32 MB
  • Aktualisierungszeit: 2022-09-28