Preparing for UP SI Exam? Download the No. 1 Vernacular Test Series app #EduGorilla and get:
- 12,446+ mocks for 460+ competitive exams
- Questions that you would probably get in UP SI Exam
- A multitude of UP SI mocks, sectional tests, and previous year papers
- Tests in both English and HindiAbout UP SI:
UP SI exam is conducted by the Uttar Pradesh Police to select eligible candidates to the post of various Sub-Inspectors. UP SI is one of the most coveted jobs in the
Police sector and comes with a lot of perks. This app helps you to prepare for UP SI exam by providing the best test series. You can practice free mock tests of UP SI exam
online and achieve success.UP SI App Details:
• UP SI mock test app helps to prepare for General Hindi, Law and Constitution sections by providing questions based on the latest exam pattern
• UP SI test series by EduGorilla also helps to prepare for IQ and Reasoning with questions based on the latest syllabus.
• Previous year papers and mock tests are also provided for better practice of UP SI.UP SI Online Test Series:
Practice UP SI online test series only on EduGorilla. The test series are specially designed keeping in mind the level of UP SI exams. All the mock tests are based on the
updated exam pattern and can be accessed 24x7 online.In UP SI Mock Test:
Get more than 30 Mock Tests for UP SI. The test series get updated on a regular basis. You will get new mock tests for UP SI that can be accessed online anywhere anytime.
Sectional tests and topic wise mock tests are also given to help you practice more.Key Features of EduGorilla’s UP SI Test Series:
EduGorilla offers a lot of features in its UP SI test series –
• Exams covered: UP SI Sectional Tests and Previous year papers
• More than 30 mock tests and sectional tests are available
• 24×7 Online Access
• Personalized Performance Analysis of your mock test with your All India & State Rank
• Online Mock Tests as per the latest pattern; Section wise test papers- General Hindi, Law and Constitution, GK, Numerical Aptitude, IQ and ReasoningSubjects Covered:General Hindi:- Apathit Gadyansh, Vilom, Shudh-Ashudh Shabd, Lukoktiya, Muhavre, Patra Lekhan, ParyaywachiLaw & Constitution: - Aim of Constitution, Fundamental Rights, Directive principles, Rules & Regulations of constitutional Amendments, All India Service,
Information about social Law related to women, children, Human Rights, Traffic Rules, National Security Issues, Principle of Crime Punishment, Right of Self DefenceGeneral Knowledge: - Current AffairsNumerical Aptitude: - Number System, Simplification, Decimal & Fraction, HCF LCM, Ratio & Proportion, Percentage, Profit & Loss, Discount, Simple
Interest, Compound Interest, Partnership, Time & Work, Distance, Use of Table & Graph, Menstruation & Miscellaneous.Intelligence Quotient: - Relationship and Analogy Test, Spotting out the dissimilar, Series Completion, Coding-Decoding, Direction Sense Test, Blood Relation,
Problems based on alphabet, Time sequence test, Venn Diagram and chart type test, Mathematical ability Test, Arranging in order.Reasoning: - Analogies, Similarities, Differences, Space visualization, Problem solving, Analysis and Judgment, , Observation, Relationship, Concepts, Arithmetical
reasoning, Verbal and figure classification, Arithmetical number seriesAlerts and Updates:
Now practice EduGorilla UP SI series on the go! Get regular alerts and latest updates of UP SI like exam notifications, important dates, syllabus, etc.
Practice free mock tests, and various online topic-wise tests on the EduGorilla UP SI App.
- 12,446+ mocks for 460+ competitive exams
- Questions that you would probably get in UP SI Exam
- A multitude of UP SI mocks, sectional tests, and previous year papers
- Tests in both English and HindiAbout UP SI:
UP SI exam is conducted by the Uttar Pradesh Police to select eligible candidates to the post of various Sub-Inspectors. UP SI is one of the most coveted jobs in the
Police sector and comes with a lot of perks. This app helps you to prepare for UP SI exam by providing the best test series. You can practice free mock tests of UP SI exam
online and achieve success.UP SI App Details:
• UP SI mock test app helps to prepare for General Hindi, Law and Constitution sections by providing questions based on the latest exam pattern
• UP SI test series by EduGorilla also helps to prepare for IQ and Reasoning with questions based on the latest syllabus.
• Previous year papers and mock tests are also provided for better practice of UP SI.UP SI Online Test Series:
Practice UP SI online test series only on EduGorilla. The test series are specially designed keeping in mind the level of UP SI exams. All the mock tests are based on the
updated exam pattern and can be accessed 24x7 online.In UP SI Mock Test:
Get more than 30 Mock Tests for UP SI. The test series get updated on a regular basis. You will get new mock tests for UP SI that can be accessed online anywhere anytime.
Sectional tests and topic wise mock tests are also given to help you practice more.Key Features of EduGorilla’s UP SI Test Series:
EduGorilla offers a lot of features in its UP SI test series –
• Exams covered: UP SI Sectional Tests and Previous year papers
• More than 30 mock tests and sectional tests are available
• 24×7 Online Access
• Personalized Performance Analysis of your mock test with your All India & State Rank
• Online Mock Tests as per the latest pattern; Section wise test papers- General Hindi, Law and Constitution, GK, Numerical Aptitude, IQ and ReasoningSubjects Covered:General Hindi:- Apathit Gadyansh, Vilom, Shudh-Ashudh Shabd, Lukoktiya, Muhavre, Patra Lekhan, ParyaywachiLaw & Constitution: - Aim of Constitution, Fundamental Rights, Directive principles, Rules & Regulations of constitutional Amendments, All India Service,
Information about social Law related to women, children, Human Rights, Traffic Rules, National Security Issues, Principle of Crime Punishment, Right of Self DefenceGeneral Knowledge: - Current AffairsNumerical Aptitude: - Number System, Simplification, Decimal & Fraction, HCF LCM, Ratio & Proportion, Percentage, Profit & Loss, Discount, Simple
Interest, Compound Interest, Partnership, Time & Work, Distance, Use of Table & Graph, Menstruation & Miscellaneous.Intelligence Quotient: - Relationship and Analogy Test, Spotting out the dissimilar, Series Completion, Coding-Decoding, Direction Sense Test, Blood Relation,
Problems based on alphabet, Time sequence test, Venn Diagram and chart type test, Mathematical ability Test, Arranging in order.Reasoning: - Analogies, Similarities, Differences, Space visualization, Problem solving, Analysis and Judgment, , Observation, Relationship, Concepts, Arithmetical
reasoning, Verbal and figure classification, Arithmetical number seriesAlerts and Updates:
Now practice EduGorilla UP SI series on the go! Get regular alerts and latest updates of UP SI like exam notifications, important dates, syllabus, etc.
Practice free mock tests, and various online topic-wise tests on the EduGorilla UP SI App.
Alte Versionen
- App-Namen: UP SI (Sub Inspector) Exam: Online Mock Tests
- Kategorie: Lernen
- App-Code: com.edugorilla.defensesubins
- Version: 01.01.118
- Anforderung: 4.4w oder eine höhere Version
- Größe der Datei : 12.28 MB
- Aktualisierungszeit: 2020-03-18