Intelius Background Check Caller ID & Phone Lookup 4.7.3 [free]


Unknown Caller or Looking for Someone?
Intelius delivers leading people search, background check, reverse phone lookup & caller ID services trusted by millions over the last 14 years. Our unique and
proprietary technology scours more than 20 Billion public records annually to present you over 300 Million unique people profiles to search for anyone at anytime.With Intelius you can:
• Run People Search for anyone by name or phone number and know more about them.
• Find long lost family, friends and relatives or just know more about your contacts, clients, sales leads or your date!
• Use Caller ID to identify true caller – phone scammer, annoying marketer, lender or debt collection agency.
• Use Reverse Phone Lookup to find out who owns that phone number.
• Run a Background Check to find someone’s criminal records (felonies, misdemeanors, sex offender, DUIs, etc.), civil records (lawsuits, bankruptcies, judgments,
liens, releases, decrees, etc.), marriage records, divorce records and possible relationship.You should also know:
• Your searches are anonymous. No one gets notified; so you can search in peace!
• Search is limited to people (18 years and above) who live or have ever lived in the United States of America.
• We collect information on people from a large network of public records and commercial data sources, if it’s out there then you can find it on Intelius.
• We frequently update our records with the latest data, so we recommend occasionally rechecking on people you searched for previously.
• We have added exclusive access to high school data, so now you can find your old school friends too.
Intelius is The Gold Standard in people search technology.Not convinced?
Try us FREE for 2 days (no conditions attached) and get unlimited People Search and Reverse Phone Lookup access. This includes, when available, past and
present phone owner, full name, alias, age and DOB, photo, relative, address history with maps, phone number history, employment history, school history and more.
After your free trial ends basic search features are free to use indefinitely and you can purchase individual profiles for only $0.99. If you are running more than 10
searches a month, monthly memberships are a great value at $9.99 for unlimited mobile-only access or $19.99 for unlimited access from both web and mobile. Subscribers can
also purchase and run background check on any person. There are no refunds or credits and tax will be added where applicable.
Intelius does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). This app should not be used to
determine an individual’s eligibility for credit, insurance, employment, housing or any other purpose covered by the FCRA.Feedback
If you have any app related issues, bugs, concerns, ideas, suggestions or even feature requests, we are listening! Please send in your feedback to
[email protected]. Also please leave an app review on the app store. We love to hear from our app users!
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  • App-Namen: Intelius Background Check Caller ID & Phone Lookup
  • Kategorie: Bücher & Nachschlagewerke
  • App-Code:
  • Version: 4.7.3
  • Anforderung: 4.1 oder eine höhere Version
  • Größe der Datei : 6.15 MB
  • Aktualisierungszeit: 2020-03-20