IPAMS Mobile 5.0.0 [free]


The IPAMS Mobile App is the fastest way to discover job opportunities, local and overseas. Its interactive “search-and-apply” approach is convenient and user-friendly. In
browsing and choosing your desired job, you can apply in just a matter of 5 minutes. You can also save the jobs you apply for in a folder so you will know which jobs you have
prioritized applying for, or update if the job is already filled.
IPAMS App is free and it is automatically linked to the IPAMS website and social media (Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn).
Through the IPAMS App, you can keep abreast of current job openings, provincial sourcing recruitment schedules, final interview of employers, and be informed of IPAMS' latest
news about local and overseas recruitment.

Alte Versionen

Free Download Zweidimensionalen Code herunterzuladen
  • App-Namen: IPAMS Mobile
  • Kategorie: Büro
  • App-Code: com.ipams.quantumx
  • Version: 5.0.0
  • Anforderung: 5.1 oder eine höhere Version
  • Größe der Datei : 5.93 MB
  • Aktualisierungszeit: 2023-03-29