Keyboard Hack 4.0.0 [free]


How to install a Keyboard Plus theme?
Just follow these easy steps:
1. Download Keyboard Hack from Google Play Store
2. Open the Keyboard Hack
3. Apply the theme by pressing the - Activate - button from the Keyboard Plus Theme Manager
If you want to change your font size just go to the Quick Settings Tab and choose from one of the 3 available sizes: small, medium or large.
This Keyboard Plus theme uses a free Google Font available here:
All the Keyboard Plus themes come with a matching font that will be displayed automatically.
New Layouts with translations coming soon.
We are looking forward for your feedback so don't hesitate to contact us for any suggestions or other issues that you may have at the following address:
[email protected]
You are a rebel and when you want something nothing can stand in your path. Express yourself in a simple and fun way with this awesome Keyboard Hack theme that will make
you stand out for sure. Make the smart choice and you will always be successful. Get creative and you will come up with the best solutions for your challenges. Nothing can
stand in your way if you are determined. Be bold and hack your way even when everybody tells you it is impossible. You are the only one that knows what is best for you and
what your limits are. Surprise everyone with your original way of thinking and your ingenuity. With a cool hack look nothing can stand in your way. Download the new
Keyboard Hack theme and be original.

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  • App-Namen: Keyboard Hack
  • Kategorie: Personalisierung
  • App-Code: com.keyboardplus.hack
  • Version: 4.0.0
  • Anforderung: 4.2 oder eine höhere Version
  • Größe der Datei : 3.69 MB
  • Aktualisierungszeit: 2018-03-21