Mansour is an animated comedy series about an active, life-loving, 12 year old boy and his adventures with his best friends, Obaid, Salem and Shamma. Whenever life throws this
group of inseparable buddies an opportunity, they grab it with both hands and their everyday lives are made extraordinary through their wonderful adventures.
Whether their escapades take place at home, in the mall or at school, or further afield, in the rainforests, pyramids and mountains of distant countries - Mansour and his
friends share the same zest for life as they embrace and explore a world full of excitement and opportunity
group of inseparable buddies an opportunity, they grab it with both hands and their everyday lives are made extraordinary through their wonderful adventures.
Whether their escapades take place at home, in the mall or at school, or further afield, in the rainforests, pyramids and mountains of distant countries - Mansour and his
friends share the same zest for life as they embrace and explore a world full of excitement and opportunity
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- 04/19/2023: The Adventures of Mansour 2023 6
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- App-Namen: The Adventures of Mansour 2023
- Kategorie: Lernen
- App-Code: com.mansour.app1012930449382
- Version: 6
- Anforderung: 5.0 oder eine höhere Version
- Größe der Datei : 11.13 MB
- Aktualisierungszeit: 2023-04-19