Qwice 0.9204 [free]


Imagine a truly different social network that solves all the problems and drifts caused by current networks.
We have developed an innovative platform that highlights the quality of exchanges and favors virtuous behavior, where fake news, harassment and hatred do not take off and
remain invisible.
A new vision of social networks to reconnect with respect for others without compromising freedom of expression.
Qwice is a social network that stands out for the quality of exchanges and content. Join a complete protective ecosystem implementing many innovations and based on 4 pillars:
relevance, level of trust, reputation and moderation.
Relevance :
On Qwice, everything you publish can be evaluated in one click by other users: Is it useful? Supported? Or on the contrary aggressive? Misleading...?
These nuances, more subtle than the simple "Like", are provided through ten criteria, and have an influence on visibility. The more constructive we are, the more visible we
are! Conversely, malicious publications, fake news and harassment do not take off, the system can thus block their propagation. Contributions made to a topic are ranked
according to their relevance as assessed by the community. The discussions naturally gain in nuance, clarity and richness. Finally a tool that really helps people understand
themselves better!
The level of trust:
The system assigns a trust level to each user based on the quality of their interactions. This level of trust evolves with time and user behavior: constructive users will see
their level of trust improve, while malicious or inappropriate behavior will lower it.
At any time, everyone is free to choose their mode of exchange: We define the level of confidence of what we want to see, independently of that attributed to our profile. For
example: We can choose to view only Serenity level content to discuss a sensitive subject that is close to our hearts. Conversely, if you want to discuss things casually,
accepting more heated controversies, you can opt for a Freestyle exchange mode, which corresponds to the lowest filter. And if the discussion escalates or if the exchanges
overflow, you can switch back to serenity mode at any time to protect yourself. It is a very effective protection against overflows, mass attacks and stalkers, because the
latter can no longer have an impact on the user.
The reputation :
On Qwice, the more constructive you are, the more it shows on your profile, as well as the topics where you are most active and relevant! The profile presents a summary of the
evaluations received and given during the past few months. Trolls can't hide anymore!
Moderation :
Qwice benefits from moderation at 2 levels: by the person who launches a topic and by the Qwice team of moderators. It will be assisted by an AI. Reports are checked by Qwice
moderators, with a system to penalize abusive reports. This protects against the bulk reports seen on traditional social media that are intended to silence or ban
We are happy to develop today a real ethical, viable alternative to the tech giants.

Alte Versionen

Free Download Zweidimensionalen Code herunterzuladen
  • App-Namen: Qwice
  • Kategorie: Soziale Netzwerke
  • App-Code: com.qwice.app
  • Version: 0.9204
  • Anforderung: 9 oder eine höhere Version
  • Größe der Datei : 8.64 MB
  • Aktualisierungszeit: 2023-08-21