Familienkarte App 2.1.1 [free]


The family card app delivers everything to your mobile phone!
This app should not be missing on any smartphone! The mobile Upper Austria family card, all current highlights of the Upper Austria family card, the digital parent education
account with the entire parent education offer, all events, an overview by means of maps of all discounters and playgrounds in your area and great competitions can now be
accessed anytime and anywhere on the smartphone. The family card app is characterized by special features, such as ease of use and clear symbols. A consistent design concept
makes navigation easier. Thanks to its offline availability, the app can also be called up without a permanent internet connection.
With the app, families always have their personal Upper Austria family card with them on their mobile phones. No more plastic cards are needed.
Upper Austria family card on your mobile phone: Activate your personal Upper Austria family card on your mobile phone and use it as proof at the more than 1,700 partner
companies of the Upper Austria family card
Highlights of the Upper Austria Family Card: Well informed about super cheap discounts of up to 50% at partner companies of the Upper Austria Family Card
Advantages of the Upper Austria family card: Find over 1,700 partner companies by means of position-related queries in the area or in the desired district and save in the
leisure, trade and service sector, as well as in the catering and hotel industry - including route planning with GPS support
Playground search: Find over 200 Upper Austrian playgrounds using position-related queries in the area or in the desired district - including route planning using GPS
Contests: Take part and win great prizes
Digital parent education account: Book the participation fee in the digital parent education account directly at your parent education event - the parent education credit is
available online and can be redeemed anytime, anywhere
Parent Education Events Calendar: Find everything on offer for parent education
Leisure events calendar: Find the entire range of leisure activities and get tips for your leisure activities in your region.
© 2021 Family Department of the Province of Upper Austria

Alte Versionen

Free Download Zweidimensionalen Code herunterzuladen
  • App-Namen: Familienkarte App
  • Kategorie: Lernen
  • App-Code: com.xortexebusinessgmbh.familienkarteapp
  • Version: 2.1.1
  • Anforderung: 5.1 oder eine höhere Version
  • Größe der Datei : 5.58 MB
  • Aktualisierungszeit: 2023-05-12