Rail Enquiry 5.00 [free]


Rail Enquiry Application is the official https://RailEnquiry.IN/ App
Rail Enquiry app allows Indian Railways passengers to:
Check Trains between stations with all available train information
Check Real Time Reservation Availability
Check Real Time Reservation Availability in a particular train by entering train number and selecting the From and Destination Station
Check PNR status and subscribe for PNR Alerts by SMS and Email
Check Real Time Train Running Status of any Train (Short & Detailed Versions available)
Check seat Reservation fare in all classes by simply clicking on the class option for the train
Check Schedule/Time Table for any particular train with other miscellaneous information
Check Cancelled Trains List between Stations
Check Special Trains Running between Stations with dates
Check Rescheduled Trains between Stations
Check Diverted Trains between Stations
Rail Enquiry App automatically import the PNR numbers and add it to your Railenquiry App so that you don't need to remember and re-enter your PNR's while checking the PNR
Rail Enquiry App users can also subscribe for PNR Alerts, which will allow the user to get updates of any Status change to their PNR
All past search history of the user is maintained in "Recent Search History" option which allows the user to check the trains and availability in one click
Thanks to all users for suggesting the features to be added on the website and the app. We will be releasing regular updates which will include new features and fixes from
time to time.

Alte Versionen

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  • App-Namen: Rail Enquiry
  • Kategorie: Reisen & Lokales
  • App-Code: in.railenquiry
  • Version: 5.00
  • Anforderung: 4.1 oder eine höhere Version
  • Größe der Datei : 6.71 MB
  • Aktualisierungszeit: 2018-06-01